As we all know, quality is a process. Quality is much more than conducting checks and catching defects. It is establishing the systems and environment that produce quality output. 

In developing the quality process, we create systems involving flow charts, checklists, templates, organizational structures, gates, and other tools. These tools are all very useful and critical for both our daily project delivery tasks and our broader corporate mission. However, these processes are ultimately dependent upon the “buy in” of the teams. This is where culture comes in.

What is Culture?

Culture is essentially the set of customs, institutions, and attitudes that guide our actions and predispositions. Culture is what drives participation and meaningful engagement with the quality process.

What Constitutes a Quality Culture?

Taking Ownership: 

  • Making good on commitments. 
  • Driving things forward. Take initiative and don’t wait for someone else to “make a play”. 
  • Identify risks early. 
  • Establishing personal standards. 
  • Being a Team player. 



  • Attitude. While we manage projects with the same quality systems, we customize each project execution plan. Every project is unique – bring fresh energy to each one. 
  • Individual contribution. Each individual understanding the importance of their own contribution, and the organization appreciating the importance of the individual’s contribution. 
  • Communication. Providing clear communication on tasks and expectations. Providing feedback. 
  • Customer focus and understanding of client needs. 


Situational Awareness: 

  • Understanding your role & responsibilities and the role & responsibilities of others. 
  • Understanding the project objectives. 
  • Understanding the project phase – and the associated deliverable requirements.
  • Understanding project constraints – Scope/Deliverables, Budget and Schedule. 


While quality will result in a reduction of errors, omissions, and overruns, it is also brand recognition. At the end of the day, a client will remember what their experience was like. Was it a project they merely “made it through”, or was there a sense of professionalism, mission, and purpose? 

Quality culture is key to organizational competitiveness. Quality culture is PERFORMANCE you trust.